Notary Marketing Mastery: How To Market Your Business and Consistently Secure Signings

Sale Price:$29.00 Original Price:$40.00

If you want to have a successful notary business that makes you $100K+ you must master marketing.

In this guide, I share the exact marketing strategies that took my business from making less than $700 per month, to more than $100,000 a year.

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If you want to have a successful notary business that makes you $100K+ you must master marketing.

In this guide, I share the exact marketing strategies that took my business from making less than $700 per month, to more than $100,000 a year.

If you want to have a successful notary business that makes you $100K+ you must master marketing.

In this guide, I share the exact marketing strategies that took my business from making less than $700 per month, to more than $100,000 a year.

If you’re a newly licensed notary, or you’re considering getting your license, then you can probably relate to what I’m about to share.

When I was just getting started as a notary, I had no experience, no mentor, and no courses to show me the ropes.

As a result... I made no money.

My first month being licensed, I pulled in less than $700.

I was disappointed, discouraged, and above all else, lost.

I had no clue where to look for leads or market my services.

Determined to make some decent money before I threw in the towel, I focused all of my efforts on marketing and brand exposure.

I wanted to nail down the best places to leave a business card or post a flyer so that I can generate non-stop leads and build a profitable book of business.

Fast-forward a few months later, I cracked $1,500 – more than doubling what I made in my first month as a new notary.

From there I started pulling in more than $1,000 every week.

By the time I hit my six-month mark I was making around $6,500 per month.

Today, my notary business does between $8K and $10K every month, and I make more than $100,000 a year.

For those that are just getting started – or even those that have been licensed for a while but want to ramp up their income – here are 35 different places that you can market your business to generate more leads and make more money.

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